Sometimes you may unfortunately receive an error message saying your project files are corrupt and you are unable to properly start Workbench and access your SAS language programs.
In this case your actual files and programs have probably *not* been lost but the metadata that the Eclipse framework needs to understand which active projects you have, has been corrupted by an unexpected event such as a system crash. We need to repair the metadata to get your 'XXXXX' Project back.
A 'project ' in the framework sense is a folder on your disc containing a .project file. Your .project file for project 'XXXXX' should look like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<projects> </projects>
<buildSpec> </buildSpec>
<natures> </natures>
… but it may not. The framework 'knows' you have a folder called 'XXXXX' but can't recognize it as a 'project'.
We need to remove the metadata properly before re-creating it. If you follow these steps *carefully* you should be able to re-construct the project. Your programs and source files are *not* affected by this event.
In the workbench highlight the project 'XXXXX' and use the right hand mouse button to select 'Delete'. A dialog box will appear *but make sure that the box that says Delete contents is left unticked*. Ok the delete and the project XXXXX should disappear, only the metadata will be cleared *not* the source files.
Now we need to re-create the project using File->New->Project->General->Project. Untick the 'Use Default Location box' and Browse to your XXXXX folder. Enter the name XXXXX in the Project Name: entry line and the error icon should disappear. Select Finish.
The project 'XXXXX' should now re-appear in the project list and all your source files and folders should re-appear.