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Skill Level Advanced Model Overview Repose angle analysis using EDEM and EDEMpy. Simulation setup using EDEM Cal. Tutorial Overview This tutorial is split into 3 parts. The first part uses EDEM stand-alone for analysis of repose angle using in-built tools and manual simulation setup. Part 2 introduces EDEM Cal for…
When working with an OptiStruct model that contains joint elements (JOINTG), it can be useful to review the joint force results as a vector. This article briefly explains how to do so using HyperView. Here is an example setup illustrating this using RPIN joints. The setup is shown below in HyperMesh. The joint forces will…
Below you can find links and details about Altair® EDEM™ tutorials and scripts on Altair Community If you are new to the Discrete Element Method, we have e-learning and online training sessions in addition to the Altair How-To YouTube series. * New to EDEM? – Check the EDEM eLearning courses * EDEM online training 2024 *…
Optimization and manufacturing feasibility of stamped components to reduce the vehicle mass and improve performance.
The following topics can be found in this guide: * CAD model preparation for SimSolid * Geometry import and material assignment * Geometry checking * Spot welds * Seam welds * Adhesives * Regular connections (bolts) * Other connection types * Analysis setup - load cases and boundary conditions * Model solution and…
When setting up an OptiStruct optimization, it is often useful to be able to define a custom response. A DRESP2 can be used to combine existing responses to formulate an optimization constraint or objective. DRESP2 can be used with standard arguments for DRESP1 cards, such as sum, avg, max, and min. It also can be used…
OptiStruct can output a key performance indicator (KPI). It is a fast way to understand the maximum stress, strain, plastic strain, and displacement for subcases using a text file. This is useful for a quick summary of the results of a linear or nonlinear static analysis. Prerequisite: Set up a linear or nonlinear static…
The attached document gives an overview for how to interpret OptiStruct topology optimization results with an example. Guidance on how to generate more discrete designs with OptiStruct topology optimization is also included.
Read contents of h5 and hdf5 files and write them in Excel workbook When we are handling .h5 and .hdf5 files, which are useful for storing large amounts of data in any format, we may want to output all results into a more common file anyone can use (without any required knowledge). In this tutorial I’ll show how all the…
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