Overview バケット形状最適化のサンプルモデルを作成しました。 こちらからダウンロードいただけます。 このサンプルでは、ホイールローダーのアームにかかる応力を許容値以下にしつつ、掘削量が最大となるバケット形状をHyperStudyの最適化で求めています。 最適化の各iterationでは以下の処理をComposeでバッチ実行しています。 * HyperMeshのモーフィングでバケット形状を変更し、変更後形状をSTL形式で出力 * EDEMモデルのバケットを変更後形状に入れ替え * MotionSolve-EDEMの連成解析を行い、アーム応力出力(MotionSolve側)・掘削量出力(EDEM側)…
Model File and embedding PDF for YouTube Playlist: HyperMesh 2023 - Tips and Tricks - Basic Handling
Overview This is the model loaded in HyperMesh 2023 in the playlist HyperMesh 2023 - Tips and Tricks - Basic Handling. Use these files to follow what is demonstrated in the videos. The pdf file embeds the videos and adds links to further content, and a keyboard template. Usage/Installation Instructions Download and open.
HyperStudy-SimLab Connection input models
Overview Video tutorial showing how to link Inspire, SimLab and HyperStudy to perform an optimization of a heat sink. Usage/Installation Instructions Model in attachment.
Epicor Eagle Models & Workspaces
Overview Classic Models (.dmod) extract use templates to extract data from a specific report at a time. Classic Models can also acquire data from structured sources like Excel, CSV, and Database sources. Classic models may include filters, sorts, calculated fields, lookup fields, and summary aggregations. Data Prep Studio…
Inventory Valuation Report - Detail, PDF Engine 4.0, Monospaced.dpwx
Overview Data Prep Studio Workspaces provide the ability to connect to multiple data sources such as Monarch Classic Models, Excel, CSV, Text, PDF, Database Connections and other sources. Data Prep Studio Workspaces provide more data extraction methods, a wider array of cleansing functions, including joins, appends,…
Insurance Commission Statements - Models & Workspaces
Overview Classic Models (.dmod) extract use templates to extract data from a specific report at a time. Classic Models can also acquire data from structured sources like Excel, CSV, and Database sources. Classic models may include filters, sorts, calculated fields, lookup fields, and summary aggregations. Data Prep Studio…
Indian Health Services - RPMS Models & Workspaces
Overview Classic Models (.dmod) extract use templates to extract data from a specific report at a time. Classic Models can also acquire data from structured sources like Excel, CSV, and Database sources. Classic models may include filters, sorts, calculated fields, lookup fields, and summary aggregations. Data Prep Studio…
Fiserv CCM Models & Workspaces
Overview Classic Models (.dmod) extract use templates to extract data from a specific report at a time. Classic Models can also acquire data from structured sources like Excel, CSV, and Database sources. Classic models may include filters, sorts, calculated fields, lookup fields, and summary aggregations. Data Prep Studio…
Fiserv Prologue Models & Workspaces
Overview Classic Models (.dmod) extract use templates to extract data from a specific report at a time. Classic Models can also acquire data from structured sources like Excel, CSV, and Database sources. Classic models may include filters, sorts, calculated fields, lookup fields, and summary aggregations. Data Prep Studio…
Model Files for Youtube Playlist: HyperWorks 2023 Introduction - Basic Handling
Overview This is the model loaded in HyperMesh 2023 in the tutorial playlist HyperWorks 2023 Introduction - Basic Handling. Use the file to follow what is shown in the videos. Pre-Requisite Installation and license for HyperWorks 2023 Usage/Installation Instructions Download the files then load them into HyperMesh 2023…