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the original data: 300 attributes: from day1 to day300 I need create 3 datasets with generating features (each row is still each student (id)) dataset1: feature generation: aggregate every 10 days, resulting in 30 attributes (day1-10, day11-20...) dataset2: feature generation: aggregate every 20 days, resulting in 15…
Hello, I extracted features of multiple time series batches (IDx) with multiple signal columns (signalx) using the extract aggregates block on these multiple signals. I receive data in the form of: ID1 - "signal1" - feat1 - feat2 - ... ID1 - "signal2" - feat1 - feat2 - ... ID2 - "signal1" - feat1 - feat2 - ... ID2 -…
Dear Community, is there a possibility in RapidMiner to see which of the original features were selected/transformed to the extracted Principal Components? Thank you in advance for your help! Best regards! Fatih
Hi, beginner here I noticed that rapid miner studio has feature generation / selection in the auto model section. Is this available in rapid miner go? I’m new to all of this and this looks particularly intriguing. Thanks!
Dear Community, is it technically or rather mathematically possible to calculate the Cosine Similarity measure based on results derived by SVD Feature Extraction? Or does the distance metric only operate on measures like TF-IDF? Thank you in advance for your help!
Hi, I'm facing an issue using the one hot encoding operator. Attributes are generated for all but one of the values. I've included an example based on the Titanic data. The result includes newly added attributes
hie. How do you find or calculate the minimum number of iterations of N attributes exampleset using Backward Elimination.
Hi All ( @IngoRM, @yyhuang, @varunm1, @hughesfleming68, @tftemme ) Apologies for cc’ing everyone, but I really need some help! I have a data set which started with 15 attributes and the two calculations which were needed to create the labels in excel (the label has three distinct values, but for my purposes, I’m only…
Hello, I'm researching about feature generation. There is a feature generation option in AutoModel. Which algorithm does RapidMiner use for generating new features from existing features? Thank you.
I've installed the new RM 4.3 EE release, but I am having problems with the Feature Generation not recognizing generated features when used in later steps. This example adds one to the first attribute (successfully) to generate a new "plusone" attribute. Then, it tries to use "plusone" in a subsequent step, but RM returns…
Hello RapidMiner Team I am using the latest cvs-version and tried to implement the ZTransformation. That means, calculating mean and std from input ExampleSet and then apply a series of RM-Operators, calling them within my code. Trying some preprocessing steps before my operator, I stepped over the strange behaviour of the…