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I want to do text analysis on customer feedback from large number of feedback i got from different customer at a time, How rapidminer will help me in this also let me know if i can do sentiment analysis from this tool
Hello everyone! I am a newbie in RapidMiner and I am trying to find a solution for my dissertation topic. I am working in collaboration with a SME specialised in the design and construction of eco-recycling technologies. Customers are always in thouch with the export area of the company since the making process could take…
I am working on telecom churn use case in rapidminer and have built the model using logistic regression. After executign the model I am getting the prediction successfully.Now I want to recommend some actions or prescriptions to stop customer churn.for example I want to output such text based on the predicted…
Can you guide me in auto categorization of documents. So, in DB we have a lot of long description of ticket data ( email conversation, or resolution data etc) , i need to train the classifier such that any new incoming ticket should be auto categorized to the right category. STEPS TAKEN till now. 1) Tried to do…
Tweet from @DataDirect_News #Rapidminer to Salesforce Using DataDirect Cloud JDBC. Maximize your analytics. Tutorial: View on Web