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How would we deploy a Flatten (Keras) layer in Tensor layers?
I want to load "fashion_mnist" dataset from "tensorflow_datasets" and process it with "Deep Learning" extension. The original "fashion_mnist" data is (60000,(28,28,1),(1)) so, I converted it to the BATCH/ID Tensor by "Execute Python": import pandas as pd import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_datasets…
Just updated my Tensorflow env which was working fine in Rapidminer before I did my conda update tensorflow 20 minutes ago. I am surprised that updating Anaconda would do this. I am running in to problems everyday with 9.2.
Hi all, is there any way to integrate a TensorFlow script from Python into RapidMiner? Also, is it possible to execute a complete Python file in the RapidMiner environment? thanks a lot