How can I see the relation between the parameters-dependent variable and pIC50-independent variablee
Hi everyone! I'm working on a project about designing a model (QSAR - model) using Deep learning and in the "Deep learning" report i dont see the relation between the parameters and PIC50. Please help me Thank you.
Altair Extrusion Mathematical models and theory
hello! I am currently learing Altair Extrusion and would like to understand the underlying mathematical models better. Is it possible to view the equations or the detailed calculation methodology that the software uses for extrusion simulations? I am particularly interested in the mathematical approach for the extrusion…
Why is the section plane moving in visualization mode (Post) ?
I have an issue related to the visualization of a CFD analysis. When I put a section plane and animate it, it moves, instead of showing the movement "inside" of it. Such as the current movement as the time passes. Before, when I was studying an individual piece it would let me, but now I have this big cluster of pieces and…
Auto Model Regression Results on Absolute Error and Squared Error
I have inquiry on absolute error and squared error. Does this same with mean absolute error (MAE) and mean squared error (MSE)? I did read the documentation but I'm still slightly confuse. Another question is does the relative error is same as important for regression? Would be great if someone can explain these to me.…
Parameters Box Does Not Appear
I'm working my way through a tutorial and the parameters box fails to appear/pop up for some of the operators I've added to the workflow (e.g. Discretize). How do I resolve this? Many Thanks.
is there any operator's reference manual for Keras Model
I want to understand the different parameters provided in the Keras model,
How to retrieve GLM hidden parameters
Hi, in a project I'm using the GLM operator (based on H2O algorithm). In particular, I would like to train a Negative Binomial model and in a second step extract the theta parameter (see here for more details). I've already seen that this parameter is not reported in the result. Do you have any idea to extract it? I was…
How Does AutoML work and how to see the hyperparameter tuning?
Hello, How does AutoML work, does it always choose the same hyperparameters for each ML algorithm or does it tune based on the data in the model? Also, if I want to report the hyperparameter tuning for a paper, how can I do so after using autoML? Thank You.
DBScan clustered back-feeding
Good morning, I am new here and also in rapid miner. I am trying to do a clustering using dbscan. Currently I get the clustering I want by manually giving more or less weight to my features. But I would like to know some operator that automatically does this function. Depending on the input data, the weight that each of…
DBScan Mejorar peso features
Buenos días, Soy nuevo por aqui y tambien en rapid miner. Estoy intentando realizar un clusterizado usando dbscan. Actalmente consigo el clusterizado que quiero dando un mayor o menos peso manualmente a mis features. Pero me gustaría conocer algun operador que haga esta funcion automáticamente. Esto, es, que en funcion de…
How do you generate GA chromosomes when optimizing parameters in Optimize parameters (Evolutionary)?
How do you generate GA chromosomes when optimizing parameters in Optimize parameters (Evolutionary)? I am curious about how GA generates chromosomes in the case of continuous data when parameters are specified as ranges. In case of discontinuity, it is known to be expressed in bit format of 0,1. Can you tell me how it is…
Predicting Parameter with Clustering
Hello Community, i havn't found any similar question i am trying to build an application who can helps me predict parameters for machines. the macchine doeas many different processes, who have different parameters. the parameters change by process type and diameters and material of the workpiece. As Database we can use the…
Not seeing the 'max runtime seconds' parameter in Deep Learning Operator
Has the 'max runtime seconds' parameter been removed from the Deep Learning operator? If not, any ideas why it wouldn't be visible? Thanks
Twitter Data mining - Dates? Missing Tweets?
Hi Everyone, I have used Rapid Miner in 2018 for an exploratory project for class and was able to capture tweets about 6 months in time. I'm trying to use it to mine tweets for something less than a month ago, however, I keep only getting 8 days ago. For an example I would only get 4-12-20 or later. I also see that the…
Aylien Analyze Sentiment Parameter Missen
Hello guys, Can someone help me to set up a working Aylien API connection for my Sentiment Analysis task? I have registered with Aylien and do have the API and ID. I have created 3 different connections with this API and ID on RapidMiner Studio, unfortunately none of then show up for selection during Parameter setup. I…
How to check the optimal epsilon of SVM using Auto Model?
Dear members, I wonder is there any way to check the optimal epsilon of SVM by using Auto Model? I have been looking for it... but I only see gamma and cost. Thank you
How to set C, g, and epsilon for SVM?
Hi, I am trying to look for an optimal value for C, g, and epsilon for SVM. I am using "optimize parameter (evolutionary)", but I wonder why the window is empty when I clicked "edit parameter settings". I am really new to this process and I am actually not sure what the input data should be... I'd appreciate if you can…
Could I get some information (link) for acronym which use in model process such as extra, mod, etc?
It's important for us to share in our class. Thank you
Optimizing SVM using Genetic Algorithm
Hi everyone, I would like to ask about optimizing SVM classifier using Genetic Algorithm. I have a process in rapidminer like the attached XML but I'm not sure whether what I am doing is right or wrong. Thank you
Random Search in Rapidminer
Hi there, provides Rapidminer an operator for random search to tune hyperparameters? Especially for deep learning? Cheers, Sven
How to identify critical parameters in a dataset?
Hi, Say that you have a dataset of 10 different parameters (listed in 10 columns) to describe a phenomenon (listed in the 11 column). What would be a procedure to identify which of the 10 parameters are critical to predicting the phenomenon on hand (i.e. maybe 4-5 parameters are need to properly predict the phenomenon, how…
How to Analyze Time Data Per Person
Hey there, I am very new to RapidMiner and have the following task to do: I have data collected from activity trackers for different individuals. The trackers show step count, heart rate, and blood pressure and how they change every second. I want to use the step count data to predict blood pressure using different machine…