Unable to obtain Near field oscillations for a rectangular waveguide with ground plane

I have simulated a rectangular waveguide with a ground plane around the aperture with near field points to specifically replicate the graph attached from "Antenna theory and Design" - Warren L.Sutzman and Gary A. Thiele.
The feko simulation does not display such a near field behavior. How can I get this graph?
TE10 mode cut off is at 3.12GHz
Hi Niharika,
How is the "Normalized Power Density" in the graph specified? Could it be power transmitted through rectangular nearfield requests?
Note, the model is electrically large (7.5 lambda) so you should use MLFMM, like in the attached model.
Best regards,
Torben0 -
Hi Torben, I am unable to access the file due to error in feko version(origina file: Feko 2023.1). But despite changing the solver to MLFMM , I am unable to generate the graph.