Insufficient performance

Hello everyone,
I would like to know why isn´t solidThinking Inspire 2018 using all the CPU cores that I have configured in the program. Whicherver value I put in, it always uses exclusevely 1 core for the whole optimization. It is really slowing down my work so I would really appreciate some help there.
Thank you very much,
Luigi Piccoli
Intel Core i7-6800K @ 3.7GHz
nVidia GTX 1080
32GB RAM DDR4 @ 2133 MHz
Samsung SSD 950 PRO
Hi Luigi,
Please zip and share a scratch directory with us - so we can find out what's going wrong on your PC. Inspire is running optistruct (core) easiliy on dozens of cores simultaneously.
Regards, Felix
PS.: Nice gaming rig!
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Dear Luigi,
Go to file->preferences->Run option-> and select the amount of CPU cores for the optimization.
I hope this will decrease your run time.Regards, Michael