I am trying to generate mesh at the corner. One side is a surface, another side is a line. So I want to use penta mesh. However, when I use the general solid map function. It always generates hex mesh. How can I penta mesh?
Solid map does create six noded penta elements: it is created when triangle elements are mapped. Another way is to extrude trias in 3D>elem offset>solid layers panel. Pentas can also be manually created in Edit Element Panel (F6).
Thank you very much! Offset does not work for my case, because my penta elements are along a curve, not a straight line. Manually creating is too much work. However, I did find the solution. I can use the 'linear solid'.
Anyway, thank you all the same.
I am trying to create penta elements using 3D panel-> Solid Map-> Linear Solid Option but even though it is( six node) penta elements ,Hypermesh is showing Element type as Hexa.(Please see fig1) If I change the element configuration from hexa to penta then my elements are distorting. (Fig2)
So can I pre-defined element configuration as Penta in solid map?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
In an easy way, we can create a penta mesh here.
1) At one end, create a tria element (2d).
2) Then at the other end, create tria shaped line (destination for ending the tria elem)using line tool.
3) Now go to 3D panel-> Solid Map -> general
4) Select the tria elem as a source element and select the tria shaped line as a destination geom. Then give the along element nodes as a along geom.
5) Then click the create button for creating penta mesh.
note: Incase if you're having existing 3d elements, then take a faces of those element. Instead of nodes, you can also give the 2d face elements as a along geom.