Need TCL/TK learning advice

I had planned to learn TCL/TK via online tutorial (tutorialpoint). When starting the tutorial, basics are easy to understand. But when getting deeper inside the tutorial after basics, it is very difficult to understand. So kindly help me with following questions.
1) Is there any easy way to learn this language???
2) Online tutorials are like in coding format and their teaching also in same way. But written Hyper-mesh scripts are in different way. I am not getting this thing.
3) Any suggestion for TCL/TK books, videos and website for learning?
Thanks in advance.
The big difference here stands on the specific functions HM uses, which are in a sense independent on the TCL language as it works as an additional package for the language.
If you know the basics of programming and the syntax for TCL, I would suggest that you explore as much as you can the command.tcl file written by HM.
This file is really useful as it records any action you do in the GUI into to a code format. Then looking at it, you can change the necessary arguments and others.
To learn more about the available functions you can use with HM, please consult the 'Scripts > Commands and Functions' part of the HM help. There you can understand the inputs for the HM functions and other capabilities you might be looking for.
Hope this helps.
Jefferson Vieira