Rigids with cylindrical system

hi everyone,
I've create a fixed axial displacement in the indipendent node of a rigid (whose displacement is assigned to a cylindrical system). The only problem is that the dependent nodes (these too assigned to the cylindrical system before creating the rigid) moves in a different direction, as if their assignement to the cylindrical system wasn't valid anymore. Does it mean that rigid are not compatible with cylindrical system?
Below I've attached a pictrure that show the issue.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Hi Luke31,
Is the independent node assigned to local system?
Can you share the model file?
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yes, before defining the rigids, I've assigne both the indipendent node and the dependent nodes to a cylindrical system located in the system collector.
Here I've attached the model.
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about this model, I've another question about a different issue. Can I ask there o should I create another post?
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Altair Forum User said:
about this model, I've another question about a different issue. Can I ask there o should I create another post?
You can create another post.
I am working on your issue, will update to you soon...
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Dear Prakash,
have you got any news about my issue?
Best regards,
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Hi Luke31,
Not yet, but I will update to you soon regarding your question.
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