Help regarding the command *Tetmesh
I would be nice if someone can explain the following command line
*createstringarray 3 'pars: post_cln' 'tet: 355 1.2 2 0 0.8' '2d: 1 0 1 3 0.15 30 1'
I want to write a program inorder to automate the tetmesh operation using *tetmesh. But in *tetmesh command an input string array is required which is mentioned above. I am unable to understand the above mentioned command line. I would be nice if someone can explain above line part by part for eg. *createstringarray 3 means an array of size 3 is created. Later what is the function of 'pars: post_cln' and 'tet:...' '2d:...'.
Just for the reference below is the command line used to create a automatic 3d tetmesh for a solid. Please comment on the same
*createstringarray 3 'pars: post_cln' 'tet: 355 1.2 2 0 0.8' '2d: 1 0 1 3 0.15 30 1'
*createmark solids 1 1
*tetmesh solids 1 0 elements 0 -1 1 3
Thank you so much
A lot of parameters for *tetmesh command.
Have a look at your local help doc (file:///C:/Program Files/Altair/2019/help/hwd/topics/reference/hm/_tetmesh.htm)