Hey Altair Community,
i have a question about storing views in Acufieldview to compare and save the similar result pictures of different flow configurations.
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, it is possible to save views via 'Restart Files'. These can used for post processing another set of results.
It is also possible to use split views in AcuFieldView to compare two or more results side by side.
Hey ydigit,
thanks for your reply. Can you give more details about it?
For example, i have the results of config. 1. first of all i have to File - Save - Restart - Complete of the config.1
How can it be going at this point? Do I have to open the config. 2 in AcuFieldView and then load the properties of config. 1??
I would be really glad for your next reply.
Lets says, you save restarts from config1 as template.dat/.crd/.frm etc.
Observe the folder for all newly created template.* files.
Now you can open another AcuFieldView window using the small icons at the top and create an empty window.
Load the config2 dataset with Data Input.
After that Open Restart, Complete, No Data Read and choose the template.dat created above. This will read the settings (saved in template.*) from config1
Hope this helps. In case of questions, you can post here or call your local support for a webmeeting.
Some examples of what AcuFieldView is capable are available on Intelligent Light channel.
thanks for infos. Everthing is good until i try to input the datas of config 2. Which option can i use for it, Acusolve (Direct Reader)?
I couldnt import the dataset of config2.
Sorry for the new post. I could handle it.
I needed to find my .log file to load the datas of config2.
Thank you again.