Warning 40110: Error while initialising the CUDA driver. Please check your NVIDIA driver installation. CUDA driver error: 100.

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I see the following warning:

Warning 40110: Error while initialising the CUDA driver. Please check your NVIDIA driver installation. CUDA driver error: 100.

What does it mean and what should I do to fix it?



  • JIF
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2017

    This warning indicates that the GPU will not be used during the simulation.

    It could occur on Microsoft Windows when running FEKO through remote desktop and requesting to use GPU processing.

    This is a Windows Remote Desktop limitation that stems from the fact that a different display driver is used for the remote desktop session. This means that the CUDA driver cannot be initialised by FEKO – since it is not available – and the error results. Users can try VNC or GotoMyPC or RemotelyAnywhere etc. instead of the Windows Remote Desktop for remotely connecting into Windows machines.

    If the computer has a dedicated CUDA device (not used for graphics rendering), then this can be put into TCC mode and should then also be detected under Windows Remote Desktop.