Vibro-Acoustic (Electro-magnetic FRF)

I am looking to do a vibro-acoustic (electro-magnetic FRF) analysis on a motor using FLUX. My aim is use electrical current/voltage as input to the motor and extract forces as output. Later map these forces onto the FE Model and look for noise levels and if possible mode shapes and stresses.
Looking for help in this analysis as I am unsure about the procedure/work flow to be followed.
Thanks in advance.
This tutorial of analysis using HyperMesh is useless. It only shows steps to the point of forces export from Flux. With additional tutorial ''HowTo_OptiStruct_Flux'' you can progress to the point of displacement, stress and load output. Is there any posibility to get a tutorial on how to proceed from this point?
All of the tutorials seem to be dealing only with the problem to the point marked with red.
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