Animation in session file
I have a session file containing 5 pages. To run the animation of all the pages I have to select each page and start the animation.
Is it somehow possible in Hyperview to start the animation of all the pages in the session with one click?
Thank you in advance.
I thought you could only use that button to synchronize windows on the same page. If you want to start animations on multiple pages with one click you will need to use a script. At least that is the only way I know.
Do the animations have to be synchronized?
0 -
Just as an example. The script could look like this:
hwi GetSessionHandle sess
sess GetProjectHandle projfor {set i 1} {$i<=[proj GetNumberOfPages]} {incr i} {
proj GetPageHandle p$i $i
set WindowIdList ''
for {set j 1} {$j<= [p$i GetNumberOfWindows]} {incr j} {
p$i GetWindowHandle p$i\w$j $j
if {[p$i\w$j GetClientType] =='Animation'} {lappend WindowIdList $j}
p$i\w$j ReleaseHandle
if {[string length $WindowIdList]} {
p$i AddWindowSyncGroup SyncIt$i $WindowIdList
p$i SetWindowSyncGroupState SyncIt$i true
p$i StartAnimation
unset j WindowIdList
p$i ReleaseHandle
unset i
proj ReleaseHandle
sess ReleaseHandle0