How to correct the RBE3_CBUCH stiffness matrix between to assemble 2Dshell to 3Dsolid

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A



I want to realize an assembly between 2D shell END 3d SOLID BODYwith bolts 

i could delete the dof 4 5 6 of the solid body 

but i have k1=k2=k3=0 for the CBUCH element ! 

How to correct the RBE3_CBUCH stiffness matrix between to assemble 2Dshell to 3Dsolid (K1=K2=K3=0 .. this is fault)


Thank you


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>aaa.PNG



  • Sanjay Nainani_20973
    Sanjay Nainani_20973 New Altair Community Member
    edited 2018 20



    Can you please be more clear. What do you mean by you need to correct the stiffness matrix between the 2D and 3D part?

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2018 20

    thank you for your reply, 

    when i want to assemble the 2D shell with 3D solid body using RBE3 ( Bolt ) i should delete the 4,5,6 DOF 

    i did that

    but the CBUCH element (between 2 RBE3 ) it have stiffness k1=k2=3=0 !! this is not right

    so i dont know how it can be corriged automatically  

  • Sanjay Nainani_20973
    Sanjay Nainani_20973 New Altair Community Member
    edited 2018 20

    You have to enter the values manually or you can make the element RIGID.

    There is no way of getting the values automatically.