HELP connecting two mid-surfaces

I'm working through several Hyperworks youtube tutorials and I found one that converts an object of varying geometry into 2D surfaces via mid-surface function; and then he proceeds to connect them.
My question stems from a time in the video (15:30) when the author begins to connect the 2D mid-surface meshes together and assigning particular properties. Please watch the video it just takes a minute.
I don't understand how the connecting surfaces (perpendicular to the main surface) can reasonably assume the main surface properties - namely thickness. Is this practice more of a convention?
Appreciate the help!
Hi JP,
The properties and material depends on the component collector you choose (according to the video presenter has chosen middle surface as the current component. So all the elements will be organised in that collector).
But according to the geometry the connecting surface should be organised in the top collector. Thickness will eventually affect the stiffness of the part. So making a right choice can avoid unexpected results.
You can also explore other options like element drag, ruled in 2D element panel to quickly connect.