Modify the element quality parameters check in Automesh menu.

After selecting Elements / Surfs for meshing one will click Mesh option to mesh it. Now on the screen there appears various radio buttons such as Density, Mesh Style, Biasing, Checks.
In the Checks sub menu you will find various elements quality parameters listed. They have some predefined values. Once I changed those predefined values for my option. After exiting the menu and when I came back return to that menu I found my values are again replaced with predefined values.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Hello @Jegan
The check option in AutoMesh option, goes away when you use the return option.
In order to use the checks in Automesh - you need to change the desired quality values( A/P, Angles,...etc) , and then go back to density (first radio button) - if the elements are highlighted with red color, then those elements are failing to follow the defined quality criteria.
Thanks & Warm Regards,
Akshay S.Patil
0 -
Thanks for your Answer.
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