mesh quality in Hypermesh14 versus Hypermesh10

Hi everyone,
I am working on a model of STL file. There is something strange happening for me.
In Hypermesh10 when I check the qualityindex of my surface mesh there is no worse skew saved. However, in Hypermesh14 there are about 2000 worse skew saved.
Both versions do the 3d meshing successfully without any problem or sending error.
When I use Hyperworks10 to do my linear static analysis, it is successfully done. However, in similar conditions of analysing, Hyperworks14 sends me the error of mesh quality during analysing with Optistruct.
I would like to know whether the mesh quality estimation has changed from version 10 to version 14?
Why when the mesh quality has problem, Hyperworks14 creates me the 3d mesh of my model successfully.
More than 4 years since HW 10. So there're a lot of changes. Why not have a look at 'ChangeLog' or 'Release Notes'?
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