Issue importing optistruct model with PLYDRP constraint
Dear Community,
I have a problem when creating an Optistruct model for freesize optimization including a ply drop-off (PLYDRP) constraint.
In particular, I created such a model in Hypermesh 2017 with different design variables (DSIZE). If I export the model in Optistruct format (.fem) and I import it again in Hypermesh 2017, I am not anymore able to see all the DSIZEs but I can see only one of it.
I have created a simple model to give you an example.
In the file attached, you will find (among the others) four DSIZEs: top, bottom, left, and right. The PLYDRP constraint is activate for all of these design variables.
If I export the model to an Optistruct input file (.fem) and I import it again in Hypermesh, I cannot see anymore the four DSIZEs, but only one of them (top) is still there.
This happens only if PLYDRP is activated.
I would really appreciate if anybody could give me an explanation about this strange behaviour and what to do to avoid it.
Thank you in advance,
Thank you for sharing the file. I will check and update to you soon.
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I am able to reproduce the same issue in 2017 but works fine in HW 14.0.
I wrote to Dev team regarding the same.
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Thank you Prakash Pagadala.