Generating 16 port touchstone file: not responding!
I am trying to export Y-parameters of an array which includes 16 elements, hence, 16 ports. I want to create a .y16p file but every time I try to export POSTFEKO crashes and is not responding.
I know it is a lot of data to export, but is there any other way to get Zparameter data?
Thanks in advance!
Hello @Meerten
This sounds like a bug - would it be possible to attach your model files here or send them to the Feko support team so that we can reproduce the problem?
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Hello @Peter Futter,
Thanks for your quick response! I found a workaround. Now I just go to the S-parameter configuration in CADFEKO and check the 'Export S-parameter to Touchstone file (* .snp)'. Then it automatically computes the .s16p file and with this file I can post-process and convert it to the .y16p file.
However, shall I still include the model files, so that you can figure out if it is a bug or something?
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Here are the model files. Let me know if it was a bug or a mistake I made!
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It looks like a performance bug when exporting Y and Z parameters - we'll ask our developers to investigate. I didn't see any mistake in your model.
Exporting the S-parameters (during simulation or from POSTFEKO) seems to work and will have to be used as a workaround for now (like you mentioned).
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Thanks for the support!