Adding new items to a structure

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited November 2020 in Community Q&A

I am trying to add new items to a structure I created, but it seems to fail. I created a cell initial and each cell has a structure. I am trying to add more items to the structure in each cell, without affecting the existing content. Attached please find the .oml file which shows how I generate the structure and how I am trying to add a new item to it. It works most of the time, but when I try to clear the workspace Compose crashes. Is my implementation correct?


Thank you

Berker Bilgin

Unable to find an attachment - read this blog



  • Matthieu Pupat
    Matthieu Pupat
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2018



    This is an issue with Compose 2017.3 which will be fixed in the next release.





  • manoj kandukuri
    manoj kandukuri
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2021

    adding email comment,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. what I observed was, if we do “clear all” its crashing but if I do “clear BSD “ its working fine. Do you want to clear all of the variables or is there a specific variable that you would like to clear from the work-space?  Is there a specific reason you want to clear the work-space?