What's the difference among different midsurface extration method?

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi all,

In hypermesh, there are different methods to extrating midsurface, like skin offset, offset, offset+planes and offset+planes+sweeps. What's the difference among this methods and how to judge which method is proper for a given geometry? Is there any detail reference document about this? Thank you.

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  • Pranav Hari
    Pranav Hari Altair Community Member
    edited December 2018

    Hi Roy Duan


    skin offset: Generates a midsurface by duplicating and offsetting the inner skin surfaces and assigning them a constant thickness

    offset:  Creates pieces of the middle surface by offsetting the model’s surface towards the middle. This is the traditional approach for midsurfacing in HyperMesh

    offset+planes: uses a midsurface algorithm to identify the planes in the model where a piece of plane can be used as a middle surface

    offset +planes+sweeps: It uses a midsurface algorithm to identify the places where a piece of plane or a piece of a sweep surface can be used as a middle surface. A middle surface is constructed at the remaining places in the model, for example the places where planar or sweep surface pieces cannot be used as a middle surface, by the same algorithm as in the offset option via the offset of the model’s sides


    Check this detailed document about midsurface too for reference


    https://certification.altairuniversity.com/pluginfile.php/17356/mod_resource/content/1/2.4 Generating a Midsurface_2017_updated.pdf

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2018

    Hi Roy Duan


    skin offset: Generates a midsurface by duplicating and offsetting the inner skin surfaces and assigning them a constant thickness

    offset:  Creates pieces of the middle surface by offsetting the model’s surface towards the middle. This is the traditional approach for midsurfacing in HyperMesh

    offset+planes: uses a midsurface algorithm to identify the planes in the model where a piece of plane can be used as a middle surface

    offset +planes+sweeps: It uses a midsurface algorithm to identify the places where a piece of plane or a piece of a sweep surface can be used as a middle surface. A middle surface is constructed at the remaining places in the model, for example the places where planar or sweep surface pieces cannot be used as a middle surface, by the same algorithm as in the offset option via the offset of the model’s sides


    Check this detailed document about midsurface too for reference


    https://certification.altairuniversity.com/pluginfile.php/17356/mod_resource/content/1/2.4 Generating a Midsurface_2017_updated.pdf

    Hi Pranav Hari,

    Could you please sent me the document you mentioned by attachment? I cannot open the link you provided.



  • Pranav Hari
    Pranav Hari Altair Community Member
    edited December 2018

    Hi Roy Duan


    Please register to the learning and certification program of Altair university https://certification.altairuniversity.com/. You can get this document from there


    Also refer to the learning library where we have many videos on mid-surface extraction https://altairuniversity.com/learning-library/

