Transpose FE model including transposing the Moments of inertia, spring properties etc.
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone can help me with transposing (flipping X and Y axes) a Nastran model that contains solids, shells, connections (CBUSH, RBE3, RBE2 etc.) as well as CONM2 elements with Moment of Inertia defined in the global axes. The transpose command in HM helps flipping almost everything else except the CBUSH, RBE2/RBE3 (special dof's) and CONM2 element MI properties. If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.
do you mean 'basic axes' (what you see red-green-blue on graphic)?
you can select any number of global systems by assigning nodes to those systems (analysis>system>assign -> set as displacement system)
it cannot swap xy of a coodinate system because z axis will be inverted
so if you make a swap xy system and assign nodes of RBE2/RBE3 to it, just update sign of dof3,dof6
anyway why do you need to swap x-y of model?