Varying the Young's Modulus of elements

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hey guys,


I'm trying to implement an algorithm for the Soft Kill Option in HyperMesh.

An important step is to vary the Young's Modulus of each element depending on the element stress. As a consequence of the different stresses of every element, do I need to create a new material and a new property for every element?

Or do you have another way to solve this problem?


Kind regards and thanks in advance




  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited February 2019

    As different value of Young's modulus, you need different property.

  • Jeffersondhv
    Jeffersondhv Altair Community Member
    edited February 2019

    If you want to have different properties for different elements, you need to create individual components for each element you want to vary the properties.


    There could be some other way to do this, but I'm not aware of it.


    Hope this was helpful.


    Best regards,

    Jefferson Vieira

  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited February 2019

    One component for each element, maybe it's not necessary. But one property for each different Young modulus, it's sure.

    We can assign property by element, not need by component.