Altair Sulis

Hello Altair Sulis,
I am Abdullah at long term intern at TAI. I use your program and I have a problem at Altair Sulis program. I get an error when I export the caged file I made in sulis program to use in Nx program. The file made from the Sulis program cannot be transferred to other programs. I also cannot export the 'STEP' file. Is this a bug or is there a solution? I wait for your information.
That is just an interface misunderstanding.
The "main" export function you find in the top menu is ment to be used with the geometries that you import or that you create with the FLOW tools,
while in order to export the blue geometries generated using the LATTICE tools you have to click on the gear icon (top right corner), choose the export tab
and click on "Export volume to file" button.
There you can pick your format (i.e. STL), choose file location and name and save it.Here you don't find STEP format as an option since for the way lattice structures are calculated
the output has to be polygonal (STL) and it is not possible to generate Nurbs surface (STEP).This works the same on any similar software out there.