How to remove include files in bulk section

I'm currently experencing a problem with hypermesh in Nastran user profile.
I've created an include file with my SETS. This include file has to be in the control section if I wanna use sets in punch files.
I managed to locate it there through the 'INCLUDE_CTRL' option in control cards panel, but I can't delete the one created by default in the bulk section in hypermesh.
How can I do?
Try opening root bdf file and delete lines 'INCLUDE ...' behind 'BEGIN BULK'
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Thanks for your answer.
It's the solution I've applied to carry on my project.
I would to know if there is a 'clean' solution directly in hypermesh, without modifying any file.
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I am not sure, maybe we have to modify nastran output template that if the control card is used then do not write include statement at bulk section