how to configure frequency scaling and offset in SVG block

Submitted by murthyakella on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 20:56
I want to achieve a space vector with magnitude V(0 to Vmax),frequency of rotation omega (=2pif where f= 10 hz to 50 hz),and an initial phase angle phi (=90 degrees w.r.t. stationary stator reference frame): V= V. e^(jwt).e^(j_phi) So I wanted to use space vector genertor block to get the corresponding phase values.
However I am little confused about configuring the frequency scaling and offset in SVG block. Here are my quesions: 1. Which parameter should i set to make sure that the initial phase angle of my space vecor is 90 degrees? 'Offset' parameter of this block does not accomplish phase shifting(i.e. horizontal shifting) but rather accomplishes shifting peak value(i.e. vertical shifting) . 2. How do I set the frequency scaling so that when I give an input of 1 p.u. as frequency gain, I get output waveforms of 50 hz? Does it depend upon some other paramters such as system simulation step size or frequecy of microprocesser on my computer or frequency of my texas instrumens microcontroller? Note: Currently, I am getting this value by hit and trail basis (for xample: frequency gain of 3 when simulation time step is 0.01 secs). But I have to reconfigure he frequency gain everytime I change simulation step size (in terms of time or frequency). This approach without understanding the basic concept behind frequency scaling is not a convincing approach for an engineering student. So I am posting my query here to understand the concept behind it. 3. What is the significace of this fequency scaling? How and why does it depend on the time step of the system simulaion? Also why does i get a straight line as output when I give frequency input as 1 and frequecy scaling as 1.
I could no find any soluion for these problems in forums or documentation. Hence I would be graeful for any help on this problem.
Regards, Murthy
Submitted by Anders89 on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 21:14.
@Murthy, which SVG block are you referring to? Can you attach a sample diagram? Are you working with ACI or PMSM motors?
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Submitted by murthyakella on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 14:28.
I am using 'Space Vector generator 32' block.I want to use them for AC induction motor. As suggested by you, I am attaching the files. Please refer the image file to see my explanation of my problem.
Regards, Murthy