Error 38191: Connections between pins at different shielded levels in a cable cross section are not allowed.
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
This error is given when a direct connection is made across a shield (in other words jumping over the shield rather than connecting to and from it first) in a cable cross-section. This connection type is not supported at the moment.
The image below shows a typical cable path section connection - a cable bundle consisting of a shielded coax and a single conductor embedded in insulation and shielded. On the outside of the shield a connection is made to ground that can be optionally through a source and a load (Spice circuit).
- A connection between the shield of the coax and the shield of the cable bundle (optionally via a black box) would be valid.
- A connection between the centre conductor of the coax and the shield of the cable bundle (optionally via a black box) would be invalid.