ERROR 15: No exitation has been definded

Hello FEKO users,
I am using CADFEKO version 7.
After I created and prepared a helmholz coil for simulation I get the error mentioned in the title, during solving.
This message reminds me to a former employment, where I simulated step-motors using FEM within an CAD-environment (not FEKO).
There I needed to define the accuracy of the simulation by a certain number of approximation steps to be set. Then, during simulation, the solver stopped the procedure if the number of approximation steps has been reached - as set before.
- Does the error mentioned in the title, using FEKO, also lead me to such a setting? If yes, where can I find it?
- Having the user guide in mind, as far as I can remember, such a setting should only exist for FEM, but not for MoM itself. Am I am right?
- Where can I find out if the setting of the solver is for MoM or FEM or MoM + FEM?
Many thanks in advance!!
PS: Below you will see the what I have done so far. But I regard the topic ' 'Port1' does not have a mesh instance' as solved at the moment - except if you see any connection.
I have replied in the related topic, since I think they are indeed related.