Segmentation error "when trying to fill .stl file with solid tetrahedron elements"

I am trying to generate solid mesh from .stl file. After Importing .stl file into hypermesh I coarsened it using automesh. Now when I am trying to apply tetra-mesh to the coarsened file, it is showing me 'segmentation error'. I have tried deleting the setting files.
Is there any other way of filling volume in hypermesh ??
Also the .stl files that I am importing into hypermesh are very fine, Is there a way to coarsen the .stl in hypermesh ?
I have attached the file I was trying to apply tetra-mesh on.
Prayer and Regards,
The first thing to understand: STL can be used directly as FE mesh, but not always.
STL is a presentation format, firstly. So surface presentation is based on triangulation as triangulaire mesh. But at the quality level, it's not the same.
In your case, your STL model is maybe good enough for surface presentation but not for EF meshing. So you have to do alot of work on this STL before doing 3D mesh on it.
Good luck!
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What is the workflow for meshing .stl??
Other than .stl I have also tried importing .hmascii or .hm format to Hypermesh and meshing.
The problem is that I am able to apply 'tetra-mesh' on my imported file. But since the file that I am importing has a lot of triangles, it generates a lot of solid elements on tetra-meshing.
However, after I remesh it (imported file) in hypermesh to reduce the number of triangles, I am not able to apply 'tetramesh' on it again.
Prayers and Regards,
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That is what I use to edit surface elements (.stl or .hm) file. After editing the mesh I am not able to apply 'tetra-mesh' to fill the volume on the re-meshed file.
I made sure the volume the is still closed. However, when I use 'tetra-mesh' it just shows segmentation error.
I have attached the re-meshed file, that I got following the step that you mentioned.
Prayers and Regards,
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It's normal. In big closed volume, you have 327 elems with 'aspect' > 20 !!!
Again, when you have a bad (see very bad) surface mesh, you risk having error with filling tetra elems.