Minimum Meshing Wire Segment Radius

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I am trying to simulate a probe fed proximity coupled patch antenna (center frequency= 4.5 GHz). When I am taking the meshing wire segment radius to be lambda/10 or lambda/20, it is showing an error message which says that the wire segment radius is too large. What should be the correct wire segment radius in this case?

Furthermore, I am observing that as I am reducing the radius to around 0.5 mm, it is showing a drastic improvement in the reflection coefficient and VSWR plots. How far can I go on reducing the wire segment radius? What is the minimum value?



  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2018

    Hi Bidisha


    The wire radius should be set to the physical wire radius. E.g. for SMA connectors that would 0.65 mm. The radius affects the inductance of the pin and, as you observed, will affect the VSWR, etc.  

    FEKO does not have a minimum radius as such, but given the above, it would not make sense to do this.


    Sidenote: FEKO uses the thin wire approximation, meaning it assumes the current flow is only axial on the wire. Sometimes if the wire radius is very thick, current flow could be radial as well, then this approximation is no longer accurate. Then it would be better to model the pin with a cylinder that will be meshed into triangles.