auto cbar element orientation

Hello All,
I am trying to create bar element from component edge which is illustrated with red dashes below. But orientation of the bar element is crucial for me. However, x direction of the bar element starts from lower node number to higher node number. An example of this problem is presented below. orientation of the 1st bar element is shown with green arrow line and orientation of the 2nd bar element is shown by orange arrow line which are at different directions due to numbering of the nodes.
In order to achieve this problem I have tried to renumber nodes however renumbering does not follow a certain direction. moreover hypermesh does not allow me to update orientation of the element by using bars - update panel.
Is there any way to create bar element that follows the circular direction and all of them are oriented clockwise ?
Thanks in advance
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Seem that free edges are not uni-oriented but loops are.
Use *findloops instead of *findedges