Error 33303: An unsupported connection of two metallic plates in different media was found.
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
The full error message in the OUT file reads:
A connection between the following metallic triangles has been found, which is not allowed: Triangle 4 with media 1 and 1 (type 0) Triangle 92 with media 0 and 0 (type 0) Introduce metallic plate on dielectric surface as solution ERROR 33303: An unsupported connection of two metallic plates in different media was found
This error message is given when a metallic strip directly penetrates a boundary between different media (dielectrics) and only when the model is solved with the FEM.
See the images below for a workaround. On the right we see the unsupported connection where metallic triangles are penetrating a dielectric cuboid directly. In the middle image and in the left image we see two options that can be used as a workaround - on the left we introduce a 'step' in the dielectric where the metallic triangles have dielectric below them and free space above them, and in the middle image we introduce a few metallic triangles around the edge on the surface of the boundary.