Unable to calculate torque : there is no air zone around mechanical set : MECHANICALSET_ROTO

I'm doing a transient magnetic - steady state thermal cosimulation of a motor. I've set everything following the flux guide and started solving the problem.
However on the thermal side I get an error saying 'Unable to calculate torque : there is no air zone around mechanical set : MECHANICALSET_ROTOR'. I didn't have this problem on the magnetic side and I had previously solved the transient magnetic problem and got a torque value correctly. What am I doing wrong here?
By the way, the airgap is set manually to an air material that I have created that has similar properties to air. I think I did this because in the past I had problems when I set the airgap to be compressible air (or something like that).
In the thermal project you don’t need to use the mechanical sets. Because you need just the losses (different types of losses) that you use it in the thermal project. Then, to avoid this error message, you can delete the mechanical sets.
Best regards.