Meshing Quality

I'm optimizing the layup of this structure using Optistruct and right now I'm trying to do a mesh convergence study to get the best possible results (tried optimizing with a defined element size but the optimization would not converge).
When using 2D Auto Mesh I get a regular mesh pattern on most of the surface but then I get some random results in some random areas. On the menu after the meshing process I've tried adjusting mesh density along some edges but I've yet to come to a good result.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Does anyone have any suggestion to improve the mesh quality?
Thank you very much!
Gonçalo Pimenta
did you check it by F10 panel?
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To improve the mesh quality first figure out the elements whose quality you want to improve using the F10 panel.
Then based on that you can either remesh the local region or manually create the elements if they are less in number.