Power and Voltage Settings for Specific Absorption Rate Studies

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

I am using FEKO to simulate a small copper antenna (approximately 3.5cm x 3.5cm). Up to this point, I have been primarily using FEKO to analyze s-parameters. However, I would now like to start doing some basic specific absorption rate (SAR) studies and would like to recreate my physical setup as accurately as possible. In the physical experiment, I am interrogating the antenna using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) set to output 10dbm (0.01W) of power. My question is, what voltage/power settings should I use to simulate this power source? I am relatively new to electromagnetic simulations, so I apologize if the answer is obvious. My thought is to use power scaling settings set to transmission line model with 50 ohms of real impedance and 0 of imaginary (assuming a lossless transmission line).
I would appreciate any input.
Hi Sutton
You are correct! Use the Transmission line model set to 0.01 W and 50 Ohm real.
For info, in other SAR studies I have seen, sometimes the Total source power (no mismatch) option is used to ensure that a specific power is radiated regardless of the mismatch.
But in your setup with the VNA, the transmission line model would be the representative choice.