Misunderstanding of warning 32417

I'm trying to compute the reflection coefficients of a multilayer FSS, done with dielectric medium, PEC and impedance sheet. I had designed this multilayer with the elementary cell and used Periodic Boundary Conditions.
During solving, I meet the warning 32417 in the terminal . It seems to come from the use of 'impedance sheet' (I do not meet this warning if I replace these elements by PEC for instance).
For the concerned layer, I want to model a resistive sheet with a value of 150 ohms/sq.
Does somebody already meet this issue or ever modelise such sheet in FEKO?
I'm looking forward to your answer
Best regards.
For surface equivalence dielectrics with impedance sheets, this warning is given.
However, with FEM, it is fully supported. You just need to ensure that the impedance sheet is embedded inside the FEM region. You can do this by adding a layer of air dielectric (er=1) on top of the impedance sheet.