Question regarding collision energy loss

Clemenslischka Altair Community Member
edited 2023 01 in Community Q&A

Hi all,

i want to get the energy loss in my system during collision. I found in the help the way the energy loss is calculated but not what a negative/positive value is indicating. Am i correct, that a positive value means energy is lost in the collision and a negative value (e.g. during a collision with a moving mesh) indicating that energy is gained during the collision?

Thanks for clarification!



  • Renan
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 31

    Hi Clemens,


    The built-in version of the energy loss model actually gives the energy difference before and after the collision. If you're interested in the energy loss during the collision I'd recommend using the following API:


    Best regards,


  • Clemenslischka
    Clemenslischka Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 01

    Hi Clemens,


    The built-in version of the energy loss model actually gives the energy difference before and after the collision. If you're interested in the energy loss during the collision I'd recommend using the following API:


    Best regards,


    Hi Renan,

    thanks for the script. I used the API as instructed. But i do not see the results. Where do i access them? I need to run the API with collisions also, right?

    Also regarding my previous question negative energy loss value indicates a energy gain, correct?


    Thanks and kind regards
