Export 2D Sweep Data in Sctript
I have done a near-field measurement. The Antenna Under Test was swept over an area (X and Y are swept). I would like to get the data in a text or dat file. I have started with your template but I don't know how to write this data to a file with a script. The data is a vector. I only need S21 over the sweeping area, but I did not know how to access to S21 from the whole s-parameters. I would also appreciate your help if you could give me a simple set of examples to make me familiar with this programming and understanding how the data is prepared.
Another question I had is that I was wondering if it is possible to directly read the output data (*.out) using MATLAB.
-- To get started try the following script:
names = pf.SParameter.GetNames()
custom1 = pf.SParameter.GetDataSet(names[2])
return custom1
You can set the S-parameter request to directly export to a Touchstone file. If you only keep port 1 as active, the file will contain only S11 and S21.
Alternately, you can use the Parametersweep script from the Application macro button to have Feko compute the S21 response based on the swept variable, i.e. in X or Y.
A 3rd option is to plot only S21 on a graph and right-click on the graph in POSTFEKO and select 'to file *.dat'. This will then only contain S21.