How to Customize the panel area

I want to add radio button below the input box and need customized Action button. below the panel area.
I used hm_getstring to make input box, but i could not add radio button.
* I dont want make separate window using TK.
I want make to radio button .
consider radio button opt1, opt 2
if opt1 selected one proc need execute if opt2 selected another proc need execute
set text [hm_getstring 'prefix or suffix Text' 'Enter the text'] # if OPT1--------------------------------- *createmarkpanel comps 1 'Select Component to Rename' set my_comps [hm_getmark comps 1] foreach c $my_comps { set name [hm_getentityvalue comps $c name 1] set new_name [format '%s_$text' $name] eval *renamecollector components '$name' '$new_name' } *clearmark comps 1 #------------------------------------------------ # if OPT2--------------------------------- *createmarkpanel comps 1 'Select Component to Rename' set my_comps [hm_getmark comps 1] foreach c $my_comps { set name [hm_getentityvalue comps $c name 1] set new_name [format '$text _%s' $name] eval *renamecollector components '$name' '$new_name' } *clearmark comps 1 #------------------------------------------------
hm_getstring, hm_getfloat, hm_getint will create proper panels and they are not Tk panel
You can create a Tk panel, puts radiobutton, entrybox, command buttons,... on it. Then use hm_framework to draw the Tk panel.
Hm will return to interpreter after drawing, so you need to set a trigger to wait until user exit panel then return interpreter.
set frm [frame .mypanel]
set lbl [label $frm.lbl -text Input]
set ent [entry $frm.ent]
set r1 [radiobutton $frm.r1]
set r2 [radiobutton $frm.r2]
proc myProc args {
... Add your process here
set ::myVar 1
set btn [button $frm.b -text Proceed -command myProc]
proc myReturn args {
set ::myVar 0
set ebtn [button $frm.return -text return -command myReturn]
eval pack [winfo children $frm]
set ::myVar -1
#draw it
hm_framework addpanel $frm 'My Panel'
hm_framework drawpanel 'My Panel'
#wait for user click proceed or return:
tkwait variable ::myVar