Altair HPC: Critical Connection Error with OptFeko

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I decided to run a grid search optimization using OptFeko on Altair's Hyperworks Unlimited High Performance Computers (HPC).


I tried to run this grid search (with 15 grid points for each optimization) over the past few days, however, when I ran the grid searches, I encountered a problem: after checking the .o11 output logs, a couple of simulations in every optimization says that it cannot find the “.bof” file for each analysis. I ran the exact same simulations with the exact same files on my own computer instead of Altair's HPC, and it worked with no issues (and the .bof files were generated too!), so I was extremely confused.


After carefully observing the .stdout output files for the files that had that “.bof” file error, I found these lines:


Launching of the job remotely on the host ''


ERROR: Remote connection facility not working correctly!

       -> Additional text detected upon connection to the remote host.

       Please carefully read the chapter on setting up and testing the remote

       launching facility of FEKO in the 'FEKO Installation Guide'.

       Program    : ssh

       Options    :

       Remote host:

       Errorlevel : 0

       Expected output: Testing SSH remote connection.

       Received output: Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/pbsuser/.ssh/known_hosts).

Testing SSH remote connection.


It seems like there’s some sort of connection issue on Altair Access that I hadn’t experienced when running optimizations previously. Is there any problem with Altair's HPC network? Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated!



  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2020

    Are you still experiencing this problem?

    Which version of Feko are you running on (1) the local machine (2) the Altair Access machine?