Trying to add a column of data that is not in line with the rest of my data...anyone know how?

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited December 2018 in Community Q&A

I have a report where one column of data is not in the same format as the rest of the data.  There are two lines (typically) one for the Invoice total and one for the location total.  We pick up location total for our spreadsheets.  "Location Total:  00097" (Typical data) then for this one particular state, we have a line that states SPD Total  Is there a way to make this a column that I cannot figure out?   The "SPD" is another column and you can see that there is a complete separate line for the amount that should be SPD, but I cannot figure out how to add this as a column in Monarch along with the rest of my data.  I am using version 11.1...Thanks for any assistance!


                     ___I_N_V_O_I_C_E___      ------ G R O S S ------       --------------- T A X E S ---------------     T O T A L    CC            

                     Number      mmddyyyy        EXEMPT       TAXABLE       STATE      COUNTY        CITY     TRANSIT     T A X E S  TYPE            





INVOICE TOTAL:       0000000008  02252018     126558.25    123151.23   111315.39      112.43-   76398.31        5.90     310758.40 


**LOCATION TOTAL: 00097                       126558.25    123151.23   111315.39      112.43-   76398.31        5.90     310758.40                  


INVOICE TOTAL:       0000000008  02252018     71563.33    330937.20   14297.94      15.10-   67884.23      129.20-    82040.24                  


SPD TOTALS :     Unknown                                                                                  2.37-                                      


**LOCATION TOTAL: 00098                       271563.33    3430937.20   14297.94       15.10-   67884.23      129.20-   82040.24                  


SPD TOTALS :     Unknown                                                                                  2.37-                                      




  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2018

    Are you saying that normally the line after Invoice Total is Location Total, but sometime it could be SPD Totals?  What are you using for your detail template?  One option would be to make your Invoice Total line the detail template, and create two footer templates, one for Location Total, and the other for SPD total.  Be sure to use clearing templates to prevent SPD Totals from being attached to records that do not have that line.