I have performed simple modal analysis and now would like to create a report which shows the contour plot of mode shapes and list the natural frequencies. I would like to export this report into wor or pdf.
Refer the tutorial from Hyperworks help HV-1010: Using the Animation Controls
To plot the animation click on capture Graphics Area Video (encircled in the img) to save the mode shapes, (.gif)
and to export the frequency click on Query > component>check on simulation step >select the component> apply >export the table or you can also refer the .out file to see the list of frequency
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Hi Ahmed,
You can easily create ppt or world reports using Automated Reporting Director, which can be downloaded from Altair Connect, ARD comes with Packaged Solutions Offerings. Tutorials and sample models are also available to download in Altair Connect.
Note; PSO will take some Hyperworks units.
Thank you Pooja and Livil for your answers. Where can I find the query button to do this? Query > component>check on simulation step >select the component> apply >export the table