Export of data to existing CSV file not lining up data to correct field names

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited July 2017 in Community Q&A

Am using Monarch 14 complete as a trial


Am exporting data which I want to append to an existing csv file.


The process literally just adds to bottom of file, doesn't append data to correct columns????


How can this be remedied??



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2017



    A csv (comma separated value)  file is just a text file where the rows have notional columns separated by commas. (Or some other recognised separator character)


    If you want to append to one you are just appending text as output as you have found.


    You need to control the output and, at the basic level, make sure you have the right columns in the right order.


    Depending on your purpose for the file you may also need to do some checking about the column widths. As a csv file anything that reads it (Excel for example) will simply adjust to the maximum width for each column (assuming it is not so wide that the target application cannot accept it) but if you are sending it to a predefined "database" of some sort you may need to control or field size as part of your export.


    Does that help you at all?


