Exporting CFD-Tetramesh from HyperMesh 2017 to AcuSolve 2017

Geo_20344 Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone, 


I am learning to use HyperMesh and Acusolve and I am currently trying to create a CFD Tetramesh in HyperMesh and export it to AcuSolve. To get used to the software I've chosen to start with a Mesh for a very simple pipe-geometry. For creating the CFD Tetramesh I've followed all the steps in the following tutorial:


After creating the Mesh I've exported an inp. file for AcuSolve. The Problem is that once I import this file in AcuSolve no Volumes or Surfaces are shown. 

Maybe I'm missing something important or doing something wrong. I'd be grateful if someone can give me some tips. I've uploaded all the files that I've created so feel free to check them.
Thanks in advance.



Unable to find an attachment - read this blog



  • Geo_20344
    Geo_20344 Altair Community Member
    edited February 2020

    Hello everyone, 

    I solved my last problem and I am now able to import the CFD-Tetramesh from Hyperworks in AcuSolve. Doing so I encountered a new problem, which I can not currently solve. The CFD-Mesh that I have created uses hexa-Prisms and the core consists of tetra-elements. In HyperMesh the 3D elements both from the Prism Layers and from the core are asigned to one component. When imported in AcuSolve the prism layers and the tetra-core are automatically distributed to separate components. Having explained this - the division of the 3D elements is actually not the real problem. The problem is that when the 3D-CFD Mesh is created the Inlet and Outlate Face are imprinted with the Prism layer from the core. So basically the Inlet and Outlet faces also have tetra and hexa 2D elements. To make a better representation of this, I've uploaded a screenshot of the interface. Now the problem is that when the whole solver deck is imported in AcuSolve the cells  from the inlet and outlet also get separated into different components. 


    In AcuSolve I tried to use the ''Add to'' options to manually add the elements from the prism layer to the same component as the tetra  elements, so that I would have all the 3D elements in one component. The same in order to have one Inlet and one Outlet. But when I start the Run. AcuSolve still does not accept the mixed topolgy elements.  

    Has anyone had similar problems and how did you solve them?


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>CFD.PNG.adae609750744f839b21ea41c4854a1a.png