Unable to compile EDEM provided UDFs in fluent

I am trying to compile the files provided by EDEM in fluent. But i am unable to do so.
(I have not modified anything in the UDFs. I am using the ones provided in the EDEM-Fluent coupling tutorial)
I keep getting this error saying UDF is not compiled for parallel use.
Note: It's not an ansys problem. As I am compiling all the files provided by EDEM for fluent coupling. I tried it on AnsysFluent 2021 R2 and AnsysFluent 2023 R1. Both are giving me the same error.
(I am attaching the screen capture and the error transcript for Anasys. I am trying to run this on Windows, not on Linux)
I have also tried running fluent in admin mode. I still get the same error.
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These files are from Ansys 2023 R2. Same error UDF not compiled for parallel use. I do not know how to fix this. These files are from EDEM tutorials.
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Did you compile the UDF's on the machine that you are running them on via the compilation tool?
The coupling is sensitive to versions and file paths so if you have compiled and run on one machine you have to re-compile if you run on a different machine, unless both are identical in their setup.
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I didn't use the compiling tool. I am compiling it inside ansys.
Both are on the same machine.
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When we compile via the coupling compilation tool it generates 6 libudf libraries in separate folders (3d, 3ddp _host and _node.). Each of these represents the different solver options in fluent, for single precision and serial/parallel processing as each needs to be compiled with different fluent libraries.
If you are compiling in fluent for parallel you'll have to make sure you include the correct fluent libraries for parallel processing.
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ok. Tell me one thing
This is the compiler given by EDEM. Let's say I use this compiler. I want to modify the UDFs. Where should I put the modified UDFs?
How will it know where are the modified udfs?
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BTW I am not compiling for parallel computing.
Tell me these
1)how should i compile EDEM given edem files for double precision single processor(serial)
2)how should i compile EDEM given edem files for double precision 4processors (parallel)
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Please tell me if this is how it works to build the UDF
I need to put all the modified fluent udfs that I write inside this folder named lib_edem_coupling present here
Then use the Windows_GUI_compilation.exe present in this folder pick the versions of edem and fluent on the GUI and compile it.
Next when i copy this folder lib_edem_coupling in the directory where my fluent model is and when i read the journal of fluent it will load the compiled libraries of lib_edem_coupling into my fluent model.
Please tell me if this procedure is correct?
(I am writing this because there is no document from edem saying how to use this coupling)
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We don't have any more information than what is already provided for the EDEM-Fluent coupling. There is information on the general EDEM coupling interface in the API help (default location C:\Program Files\Altair\2024.1\EDEM\src\Api\Help > index.htm) which may help with the definition of cusotm properties.
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Hi Shyam,
We have provided you a lot of support, myself especially, beyond what is standard for academic customers. If you are concerned or would like to discuss further I would encourage you to contact your account manager.
The fluent coupling was written by Ansys and it has the following conditions:
// Parallel EDEM CFD Coupling for ANSYS FLUENT - Version 2.0
// Copyright 2014 ANSYS, Inc.//
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.We provide guidance on how to compile this coupling, as well as e-learning and tutorials for usage, but it is not a tutorial on how to write couplings with Fluent.
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Hello Stephen
Yes, you have helped a lot. Thank you so much for all your support. I appreciate it. But you are not answering a question about your Altair Tutorial itself.
I know you cant write tutorial on how to write couplings. But answer me if i ask you anything about EDEM provided tutorial. You are not answering the two questions i am asking. I don't know why.
Let me ask these my question again.
How are you able to define custom properties when you have 0 for num_registered_properties? The details are in the pictures below
Note: I all these pictures are from EDEM tutorial. I have not modified anything.
This is what i see in your lib_edem_compiling → src folder
Line 34, where you register the number of custom property, has a value of 0. (in the file custom_properties_user_reals.c)
Also this
line 11 in custom_properties_particle_size_change.c has value for num_registered_properties as 0
When the number of custom properties is 0
How are you able to access two custom properties on lines 44 and 45 in the file dpm_scalar_udf.c?
And tell me why are you doing this line 84 to 108 in edem_user_real_names.c
I looked at every single file given in the folder
, and I could not find any location where you have defined two custom properties.
So tell me, how is this working? This is from your tutorial. I have not modified any of the files from the tutorial.
So tell me then How do you define custom properties in fluent for EDEM? Where all should i write about custom properties?
Should i write it in
Please tell me this. Because these files are provided by EDEM and i want to know where i should write it?
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This is what i heard from Ansys
You can check the details at this link.
Now you have to Answer my question.
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@satri I am the community manager and this thread has come to my notice. I understand that product issues can be frustrating but I would like to remind you to be polite and respectful with our community members as per our community guidelines. Please consider this as a formal warning. Repeated instances of this such language may restrict you from using the community.
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Hello Jocelyn
Sure, I understand. I apologize for being harsh. I will not repeat this in the future.
But I request you to please check out how we can solve the problem. I have not been getting any answers for this issue from anyone for a long time (since, Nov 2022). Earlier, it was not a priority for me. But this is a priority issue. I really want some resolutions for this now.
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Hello Jocelyn,
Sure that sounds good. I would be delighted to talk to someone about this issue. But I have one request, though. I spoke to someone a couple of years ago, and they helped us look at the different options available, which was great. But in the end, we concluded that we should use Acusolve.
But I want to mention that I really do not want to use Acusolve. I have nothing against Acusolve. Acusolve is a fantastic tool. But I don't have the time to completely set up Acusolve and get the data i want from Acusolve. (I have everything done in fluent already) I want to make this coupling thing work with fluent.
Even ansys has rocky. I could use coupling of that. But i do not want to do that either. I have invested enough time in understanding EDEM, and I don't want to sit and figure out Rocky. Same logic as why i dont want to use Acusolve.
So my only objective is to send three custom property values through coupling from Ansys fluent. Because I have all the setup ready from Ansys fluent, I only need a way to define the link between the two, and I would have finished what I wanted to do. So, I do not wish to use Acusolve at the moment. Maybe in the future, I will use Acusolve for some other project.
But at the moment, my only objective is, I want to know how to create a custom property of EDEM inside Ansys Fluent and send it through the coupling from Ansys fluent to EDEM API. Next, I want to send some value to the same custom property from EDEM to Ansys Fluent. (I know how to create custom properties in EDEM. Thanks to all the excellent tutorials and support from the Altair EDEM team)
I do not wish to change any course of action I have planned. It is a humble request.