How can I prevent elements from intersecting during an extrusion?

al_par Altair Community Member
edited January 29 in Community Q&A

I have a 2D mesh of a non-uniform geometry like the one in the picture below.

My goal is to extrude the geometry to make it have a defined thickness, but if I use Elem offset/Solid Layers I get a result like this below, where some elements penetrate each other.

The one shown is not the only area where it happens, it is to give an idea of the problem. Is there a way to stop extrusion in certain areas when elements penetrate each other? I've seen that using Validate/Penetration I can identify individual elements that penetrate each other, but Automatic Intersection/Penetration Fix doesn't solve my problems and tends to deform the geometry. Do you have any solutions?
I'm using HyperWorks 2021.2.
